Souradeep Ghosh
Hi! Souradeep Ghosh
I am a
Hey, I am Souradeep Ghosh a 4th year UG student at Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata majoring in ECE.

In my 2nd year I have done some internships there are
@E-Cell-IIT Kanpur, @Coding Ninja as a Campus Ambassador, @Oyesis Infobyte, and @CodeClause, and 5+ more companies as a Full Stack Web Developer Intern.
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React E Commerce Website

The "E-Commerce Website" project focuses on offering a diverse range of herbal products.


Travel Agency Website

The "Travel Agency Website" project offers a seamless booking experience, featuring a
comprehensive hotel room gallery.


Shopping Cart

The "Shopping Cart" project offers a vast selection of dresses and seamless add-to-cart functionality,
enhancing the online shopping experience with a wide range of stylish clothing options.


Airbnb Clone

The "Airbnb Clone" project enables customers to seamlessly book hotels with Google Pay
and PayPal payment gateways while providing a visual room gallery for a delightful booking experience.


Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone My name is Souradeep Ghosh I am a Full Stack Web Developer I have been working for last 1 year and Currently I am pursuing 3rd Year B.Tech at Narula Institute of Technology,West Bengal.
Currently I am working on NextJs and Making Beautiful UI-UX are my fey features

Currently I am open source developer at Novu (Open Source Platform) and i worked many frameworks like nodejs, tailwind css, reactjs, mongoDB, Docar and many more.

Contact me

Questions, thoughts, or just want to say hello?